About us
Earthwise is a quarterly magazine that covers issues of energy and climate justice. The energy we use to power our homes and everyday lives has a deep impact on the environment we live in as a whole, as decades of burning fossil fuels has shown.The communities living within the vicinity of these energy sources feel this impact first. Earthwise focuses on these communities.
How can we help?
We currently don’t have a formal subscrciption or membership model in place. But we’re always looking for people who believe in our mission and like the way we do journalism. So get in touch and Let’s talk!
I have a great idea for a new story, how can I share it?
If you have a story idea that fits with the kind of journalism we’re doing, we would love to hear from you. You can pitch us at [email protected]. We do have limited funds and are a quarterly magazine so please bear in mind that we don’t have a lot of space for stories at the moment.
Are your pictures and stories copywrited?
Our content is the exclusive property of Mauj Media, PRIED and Earthwise. That said we’re very open to sharing given the content is properly credited to Earthwise. Please reach out [email protected]